Professional Education and Research for the Science of Human Movement, for the Health and Sport
The most comprehensive and deep educational programs for Sports and Health Professionals. The ultimate point of reference and the higher international standards in order to work successfully. We train the best professionals and leaders in professional and scientific field.
Sport Science™ is a private institute of professional technical – scientific training for sports and health. In collaboration with ATS, it represents the world’s most important platform for professional training and upgrading at all levels.
Physical Preparation, Personal Training, Sports Nutrition and Supplementation, Sports Psychology, Mental Coaching, Rehabilitation, Re – education, Sports Medicine, Sports Physiology. The most sought – after qualifications in sports industry.
Qualified and Scientifically Upgraded. Obtain your Qualifications and Access the International SportScience Register. The world’s biggest educational institution in Sport Science. A revolutionary project that has changed the way to access to updated scientific contents and to enter in the international’s widest professional network.
By qualifying yourself with, you will enter an ever – expanding network. Our pre – vision of the future is strongly contaminated by the passion for sport and by the awareness of the absolute value of health. Join the world’s most solid community for Sports and Health Science.
Sport Science™ along with ATS™ Institute present the widest educational platform for professional training and update. An unprecedented resource, with an eye to the future of specialists. Professional Education, Career, Growth, Authoritativeness, Sector Development.
The Qualifications with the highest Reputation and Authoritativeness in Sports and Health’s Science
Hours of On Demand Professional Training
Maximum Client-Verified Satisfaction
Let's Build Together the Future of the Sector in the World
Certifications, Diplomas and Master
Online Streaming Learning
Lecturers, Authors and Researchers
Independent. Science without limits.
Access to the content from pc, tablet and mobile, in every audio and video format. Possibility to take exams and tests straight from your account. The most powerful tool at health and sport professional’s service. is the only one in the world to provide such a level of technological innovation.
Send you access request to the Sport Science’s International Register, receive the approval and the professional’s support to enhance your online presence in the world’s first Sports Sciences – dedicated network. Create your profile and improve your ability to connect with the sport’s industry.